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  Home » Cakes » Crema de Fruta
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  Crema de Fruta
  Category: Cakes  
  By:  Administrator  
  Date Posted: Nov. 1, 2011
  Hits: 3,516
  Rating:  (2.9) votes 90
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1 can fruit cocktail
1 can condensed milk
1 can (big) nestle cream
1 cup nata de coco
2 cups buko
5 pcs peaches
5 pcs lychee
1 pack unflavoured gelatin (colorless)
2 packs graham craker
Mix all the ingredients except lychee, peaches and graham craker put the graham in pan or pyrex layer it then put the salad mixture do it and make 3 to 4 layers. With 1 and 1/2 cup of water put the unflavoured gelatin and bring it to boil and put it on top of the layered graham and salad. For garnishing put slice peaches and lychees on top and chill it. Serve.

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